Hearing Dog Sponsorship News



We are so pleased to announce that our sponsored dog, Libby has graduated her hearing dog training and has been partnered with Susan. The charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People do a wonderful job, fundraising and training the puppies to help people with their day to day lives. Libby is just one of hundreds of graduates who have gone on to provide vital support to people like Susan.

Susan was born with hearing loss and has worn hearing aids for many years but eventually realized that she had gone completely deaf and needed more practical support from a dog for her day to day life. Susan’s job involves working with people with disabilities in their home, so it was really important she was partnered with the right dog.



Susan says:

“Libby is great at work. All my clients love her! They welcome her into their homes. She’s been so well trained, unfamiliar places and wheelchairs don’t bother her at all. She just makes everyone around her happy.

She makes my life so much easier. She tells me about the doorbell, and my daughters no longer have to tell me when the cooker timer goes off. It’s also much better out and about because her burgundy Hearing Dogs coat tells people I’m deaf. It’s such a relief not having to explain to people all the time”

Whats next for Libby? 

Now she has settled in to life with Susan, she continues her training to improve quality of life. Libby is currently being taught to react to Susan’s daughters saying ‘Call Mum’ – she will then find Susan, give her a nose-nudge, and lead her back to them. We think this is so clever, and Susan is thrilled that Libby is still learning to help her.

“Libby is all I wanted to help with my silent world. At home, at work… she goes everywhere with me. I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for sponsoring my cheeky Libby.”

This is why Countrywide Hearing will continue to sponsoring Hearing Dogs, and have chosen to sponsor two new puppies with their training  – Robyn the black Labrador and Harvey the Cockerpoo. We think you’ll agree they are extremely cute,  and we will share any updates on their training. We look forward to seeing who they will go onto help in the future.

If you would like to sponsor a hearing dog, its really easy. Simply visit the website to sign up.


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